Sunday, April 5, 2009

Part I: Spring Cleaning Questions....

As we head into April, we couldn’t think of a better time to do a little spring cleaning. We know it’s a challenge to say goodbye to some of your closet staples, even though they're probably not your wardrobe staples! Whether it's that great dress you found for almost nothing or those "memory" pieces that may even date back to your undergrad days, it's time to let go!

To make it easier, we have a few Savvy questions that can help you sort, purge, clean and organize! We’re not going to tell you what to eliminate, but we’ll give you a few tips on how to make Spring Cleaning a whole lot easier.

1. How Long Has It Been Since You Wore That?

Chances are, if you haven’t put it on in a year or since the last season, you’ll never wear it. Put it into a "To Go" box and keep on sorting!

2. Does it Fit?

Maybe it once fit or you're hoping to squeeze into it. Regardless, if it's not a right fit NOW, then it’s time to say goodbye. Plus, when you finally get it on, you'll want a new one anyway.

3. Is it Wearable?

Are you holding on to that sweatshirt that started with a small hole and a frayed hem and now just looks like a disaster? Do you have a blouse that you were going to take to the cleaners because you thought the stain could be removed or the dress could be altered? If it's not a Grab and Go closet item, it's time to part with it!

4. Is it a Multiple?

Do you have six little black dresses but only wear just one? Can you open your own boutique that specializes in black pants? Pick your favorite two (in case one is at the cleaners) and leave the rest behind.

We'd like to think this is a good starting point for your Spring Cleaning Adventures!

Just remember, even if it's not staying in your closet, there are plenty of ways to recycle your clothes. Whether it's a hand-me-down to a family member, a donation to your favorite charity or even a clothing swap with your friends, you're old treasures can always be someone's new find!

Don't forget to check out our upcoming sale for Danielle Stevens Jewelry that starts this Wednesday, April 8 at

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