Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How to Work A Sample Sale!

No ladies, this post will not give you tips on how to push, hit and shove you're way to a fabulous find. Instead, a few ideas on how to work the merchandise you come across.

We all know that sometimes good luck is in the air and you can find that stellar piece that'll keep you bragging for months. However, there are those sales where nothing seems to fit.

Last night, I was at the Savvy & Co. Max Mara Sale and met several women that liked what they found, but were on the fence about whether they could pull it off. Now, with a couple of suggestions, they were able to snag a good deal.

Savvy Tip 1: Don't forget a little DIY Action Goes A Long Way

I was talking to a customer yesterday that LOVED a necklace but didn't like the color of the grosgrain string. I suggested that she cut off the string, find a new color at a trim store, and sew a new one on. She was immediately sold on the idea and bought the necklace! Always keep in mind that it's easy to change a color, (my picks are Rit Dye and tea bags) add embellishments or even closures, buttons and grommets. Don't forget that a little craftsmanship goes a long way.

Savvy Tip 2: Use Your Tailor

I spoke to so many women that found pieces they liked, but there was something minor wrong with the fit or look. Really, most pieces just needed a quick fix such as getting the hem shortened or a button sewn on. A good tailor or cleaner can do wonders and can probably to do everything from putting straps in or taking shoulder pads out(depending on whether you like the 80's look that's so in right now) and much more.

Savvy Tip 3: Search the "Bin"!

As we all know, there's always that bin of mismatched "stuff" (a lost belt, slip, broach) that seems damaged, came off a blouse or just got lost in the chaos. It may be worth asking if these lonely pieces are for sale, because it's a great way to make an outfit fabulous and original.

Come check out the last day of our Max Mara Sample Sale at the Met Pavilion, 123 West 18th (between 6th and 7th). We're open until 4:00pm today and Delman Shoes starts in-house on May 6th, check it out at

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